Reference Library
  1. Event Statistics
  2. Audit Events
  3. Errors

Event Statistics




Activated Users ACTIVATED_USERS Number of users that have successfully completed the user activation process.
Application Startups PWM_STARTUPS Number of times the application has started, including restarts due to configuration changes.
Audit Events AUDIT_EVENTS Number of audit events generated and stored locally.
Authentication Failures AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES Number of failed user authentications that have occurred.
Authentications AUTHENTICATIONS Number of successful user authentications that have occurred.
Authentications with Expired Password AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRED Number of authentications that were successful but the user's password was expired.
Authentications with Expired Warning AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRED_WARNING Number of authentications that were successful and the user's password was not yet expired, however the expiration time was within the expiration warning time window.
Authentications with Pre-Expired Password AUTHENTICATION_PRE_EXPIRED Number of authentications that were successful and the user's password was not yet expired, however the expiration time was within the pre-expire time window.
CAPTCHA Failures CAPTCHA_FAILURES Number of incorrect user CAPTCHA attempts.
CAPTCHA Presentations CAPTCHA_PRESENTATIONS Number of CAPTCHA challenges presented to a user.
CAPTCHA Successes CAPTCHA_SUCCESSES Number of times user have successfully passed CAPTCHA verification.
Database Unavailable Count DB_UNAVAILABLE_COUNT Number of database unreachable errors encountered by the application.
Email Send Discards EMAIL_SEND_DISCARDS Number of times an email item has been discarded due to an error.
Email Send Failures EMAIL_SEND_FAILURES Number of times a temporary error has occurred while sending an email.
Email Send Successes EMAIL_SEND_SUCCESSES Number of successfully delivered email items.
Foreign Sessions Accepted FOREIGN_SESSIONS_ACCEPTED Number of sessions generated on a foreign or server or previous instance of this server and accepted as valid authentication.
Forgotten Password Failures RECOVERY_FAILURES Number of user failures during forgotten password identification and verification process.
Forgotten Password OTP Secrets Failed RECOVERY_OTP_FAILED Number of invalid attempts to verify OTP secrets used by the forgotten password process.
Forgotten Password OTP Secrets Verified RECOVERY_OTP_PASSED Number of OTP secrets used by the forgotten password process successfully and correctly verified.
Forgotten Password Successes RECOVERY_SUCCESSES Number of times users have successfully validated their identity using the forgotten password module.
Forgotten Password Tokens Failed RECOVERY_TOKENS_FAILED Number of incorrect token attempts during forgotten password process.
Forgotten Password Tokens Passed RECOVERY_TOKENS_PASSED Number of tokens used for forgotten password process verified and claimed.
Forgotten Password Tokens Sent RECOVERY_TOKENS_SENT Number of tokens used for forgotten password process issued and sent via email or SMS.
Forgotten User Name Failures FORGOTTEN_USERNAME_FAILURES Number of user failures during forgotten user name identification and verification process.
Forgotten User Name Successes FORGOTTEN_USERNAME_SUCCESSES Number of successes using the forgotten user name process.
Generated Random Passwords GENERATED_PASSWORDS Number of system generated password values.
Guest Users Created GUESTS Number of user accounts that have been created using the guest management module.
Guest Users Updated UPDATED_GUESTS Number of user accounts have been updated/modified using the guest management module.
HTTP Client Requests HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTS Number of unique HTTP Client sessions initiated by the application.
HTTP Requests HTTP_REQUESTS Number of dynamic HTTP requests processed by the application.
HTTP Resource Requests HTTP_RESOURCE_REQUESTS Number of resource (static) HTTP requests processed by the application.
HTTP Sessions HTTP_SESSIONS Number of unique HTTP sessions processed by the application.
Help Desk OTP Verifications HELPDESK_VERIFY_OTP Number of successful Help Desk OTP verification user events.
Help Desk Password Resets HELPDESK_PASSWORD_SET Number of password modifications initiated using the Help Desk module.
Help Desk Tokens Sent HELPDESK_TOKENS_SENT Number of Help Desk verification tokens sent.
Help Desk Unlocks HELPDESK_UNLOCK Number of Help Desk unlock user events.
Help Desk User Lookups HELPDESK_USER_LOOKUP Number of Help Desk user detail views requested by Help Desk operators.
Intruder Attempts INTRUDER_ATTEMPTS Number of intruder attempts of any type.
Intruder Locked Addresses LOCKED_ADDRESSES Number of local intruder lock events that have occurred due to multiple attempts associated with the same network address.
Intruder Locked Attributes LOCKED_ATTRIBUTES Number of local intruder lock events that have occurred due to multiple attempts associated with the same form attributes.
Intruder Locked Token Destinations LOCKED_TOKENDESTS Number of local intruder lock events that have occurred due to multiple attempts associated with the same token destination address.
Intruder Locked User IDs LOCKED_USERIDS Number of local intruder lock events that have occurred due to multiple attempts associated with the same LDAP entry.
Intruder Locked User Names LOCKED_USERS Number of local intruder lock events that have occurred due to multiple attempts associated with the same user name.
LDAP Unavailable Count LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_COUNT Number of LDAP unreachable errors encountered by the application.
New User Self Registrations NEW_USERS Number of users that have successfully completed the new user self-registration process.
Obsolete URL Requests OBSOLETE_URL_REQUESTS Number of web requests to obsolete URLs.
Password Changes PASSWORD_CHANGES Number of times users have changed a password using the application.
Password Notification Job Emails Sent PWNOTIFY_EMAILS_SENT Number of emails that have been sent by password expiration notification jobs.
Password Notification Job Errors PWNOTIFY_JOB_ERRORS Number of password expiration notification jobs that have ended with an error.
Password Notification Jobs Started PWNOTIFY_JOBS Number of password expiration notification jobs that have been started.
Password Rule Checks PASSWORD_RULE_CHECKS Number of password rule validation requests processed while users are typing a new password.
PeopleSearch Cache Hits PEOPLESEARCH_CACHE_HITS Number of cache hits when reading people search data.
PeopleSearch Cache Misses PEOPLESEARCH_CACHE_MISSES Number of cache misses when reading people search data.
PeopleSearch Detail Views PEOPLESEARCH_DETAILS Number of detailed user views executed using the people search module.
PeopleSearch Org Chart Views PEOPLESEARCH_ORGCHART Number of organisational chart views executed using the people search module.
PeopleSearch Searches PEOPLESEARCH_SEARCHES Number of directory searches executed using the people search module.
Profile Updates UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES Number of times users have completed the update profile process.
SMS Send Discards SMS_SEND_DISCARDS Number of times an SMS item has been discarded due to an error.
SMS Send Failures SMS_SEND_FAILURES Number of times a temporary error has occurred while sending an SMS.
SMS Send Successes SMS_SEND_SUCCESSES Number of successfully delivered SMS items.
Saved Secret Answers SETUP_RESPONSES Number of times users have saved challenge/responses answers.
Setup OTP Secret SETUP_OTP_SECRET Number of times users have saved an OTP secret.
Shortcuts Selected SHORTCUTS_SELECTED Number of shortcut items clicked on by users.
Syslog Messages Sent SYSLOG_MESSAGES_SENT Number of successfully sent syslog messages.
Tokens Claimed TOKENS_PASSSED Number of tokens used for any purpose verified and claimed.
Tokens Issued TOKENS_SENT Number of tokens used for any purpose issued and sent via email or SMS.
Unhandled Errors PWM_UNKNOWN_ERRORS Number of times an unhandled error has occurred.
WebService Challenge Calls REST_CHALLENGES Number of external web service calls to the /challenges REST interface.
WebService Check Password Calls REST_CHECKPASSWORD Number of external web service calls to the /checkpassword REST interface.
WebService Health Calls REST_HEALTH Number of external web service calls to the /health REST interface.
WebService Profile Calls REST_PROFILE Number of external web service calls to the /profile REST interface.
WebService RandomPassword Calls REST_RANDOMPASSWORD Number of external web service calls to the /randompassword REST interface.
WebService SetPassword Calls REST_SETPASSWORD Number of external web service calls to the /setpassword REST interface.
WebService Signing Form Calls REST_SIGNING_FORM Number of external web service calls to the /signing/form REST interface.
WebService Statistic Calls REST_STATISTICS Number of external web service calls to the /statistics REST interface.
WebService Status Calls REST_STATUS Number of external web service calls to the /status REST interface.
WebService Verify Challenge Calls REST_VERIFYCHALLENGES Number of external web service calls to the /verifychallenges REST interface.
WebService Verify OTP Calls REST_VERIFYOTP Number of external web service calls to the /verifyotp REST interface.

Audit Events



Resource Key


STARTUP SYSTEM EventLog_Startup Application Startup
SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EventLog_Shutdown Application Shutdown
RESTART SYSTEM EventLog_Restart Application Restart
FATAL_EVENT SYSTEM EventLog_FatalEvent Fatal Event
INTRUDER_LOCK SYSTEM EventLog_IntruderLockout Intruder Lockout
INTRUDER_ATTEMPT SYSTEM EventLog_IntruderAttempt Intruder Attempt
MODIFY_CONFIGURATION USER EventLog_ModifyConfiguration Configuration Modified
AUTHENTICATE USER EventLog_Authenticate Authentication
AGREEMENT_PASSED USER EventLog_AgreementPassed Agreement Passed
TOKEN_ISSUED USER EventLog_TokenIssued Token Issued
TOKEN_CLAIMED USER EventLog_TokenClaimed Token Claimed
CLEAR_RESPONSES USER EventLog_ClearResponses Clear Responses
DELETE_ACCOUNT USER EventLog_DeleteAccount Delete Account
CHANGE_PASSWORD USER EventLog_ChangePassword Change Password
UNLOCK_PASSWORD USER EventLog_UnlockPassword Unlock Password
RECOVER_PASSWORD USER EventLog_RecoverPassword Recover Forgotten Password
SET_RESPONSES USER EventLog_SetupResponses Setup Password Responses
SET_OTP_SECRET USER Eventlog_SetupOtpSecret Setup OTP Secret
ACTIVATE_USER USER EventLog_ActivateUser Activate Account
CREATE_USER USER EventLog_CreateUser Create Account
UPDATE_PROFILE USER EventLog_UpdateProfile Update Attributes
INTRUDER_USER_LOCK USER EventLog_IntruderUserLock Intruder User Lockout
INTRUDER_USER_ATTEMPT USER EventLog_IntruderUserAttempt Intruder User Attempt
HELPDESK_SET_PASSWORD HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskSetPassword Help Desk Set Password
HELPDESK_UNLOCK_PASSWORD HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskUnlockPassword Help Desk Unlock Password
HELPDESK_CLEAR_RESPONSES HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskClearResponses Help Desk Clear Responses
HELPDESK_CLEAR_OTP_SECRET HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskClearOtpSecret Help Desk Clear OTP Secret
HELPDESK_ACTION HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskAction Help Desk Action
HELPDESK_DELETE_USER HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskDeleteUser Help Desk Delete User
HELPDESK_VIEW_DETAIL HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskViewDetail Help Desk View Detail
HELPDESK_VERIFY_OTP HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskVerifyOtp Help Desk Verify OTP
HELPDESK_VERIFY_OTP_INCORRECT HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskVerifyOtpIncorrect Help Desk Incorrect OTP Verify
HELPDESK_VERIFY_TOKEN HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskVerifyToken Help Desk Verify Token
HELPDESK_VERIFY_TOKEN_INCORRECT HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskVerifyTokenIncorrect Help Desk Incorrect Token Verify
HELPDESK_VERIFY_ATTRIBUTES HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskVerifyAttributes Help Desk Verify Attributes
HELPDESK_VERIFY_ATTRIBUTES_INCORRECT HELPDESK EventLog_HelpdeskVerifyAttributesIncorrect Help Desk Incorrect Attributes Verify


Error Number


Resource Key


4001 PASSWORD_MISSING_CONFIRM Password_MissingConfirm Password meets requirements, please type confirmation password
4002 PASSWORD_MISSING Password_Missing Password missing
4003 PASSWORD_DOESNOTMATCH Password_DoesNotMatch Passwords do not match
4004 PASSWORD_PREVIOUSLYUSED Password_PreviouslyUsed New password has been used previously
4005 PASSWORD_BADOLDPASSWORD Password_BadOldPassword The old password is not correct
4006 PASSWORD_BADPASSWORD Password_BadPassword New password does not meet rule requirements
4007 PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT Password_TooShort New password is too short
4008 PASSWORD_TOO_LONG Password_TooLong New password is too long
4009 PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_NUM Password_NotEnoughNum New password does not have enough numbers
4010 PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_ALPHA Password_NotEnoughAlpha New password does not have enough letters
4011 PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_SPECIAL Password_NotEnoughSpecial New password does not have enough symbol (non alpha-numeric) characters
4012 PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_LOWER Password_NotEnoughLower New password does not have enough lower case letters
4013 PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_UPPER Password_NotEnoughUpper New password does not have enough upper case letters
4014 PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_UNIQUE Password_NotEnoughUnique New password does not have enough unique characters
4015 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_REPEAT Password_TooManyRepeat New password has too many repeating characters
4016 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_NUMERIC Password_TooManyNumeric New password has too many numbers
4017 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_ALPHA Password_TooManyAlpha New password has too many letters
4018 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_LOWER Password_TooManyLower New password has too many lower case letters
4019 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_UPPER Password_TooManyUpper New password has too many upper case letters
4020 PASSWORD_FIRST_IS_NUMERIC Password_FirstIsNumeric The first character must not be numeric
4021 PASSWORD_LAST_IS_NUMERIC Password_LastIsNumeric The last character must not be numeric
4022 PASSWORD_FIRST_IS_SPECIAL Password_FirstIsSpecial The first character must not be a symbol (non alpha-numeric) character
4023 PASSWORD_LAST_IS_SPECIAL Password_LastIsSpecial The last character must not be a symbol (non alpha-numeric) character
4024 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_SPECIAL Password_TooManyNonAlphaSpecial New password has too many symbol (non alpha-numeric) characters
4025 PASSWORD_INVALID_CHAR Password_InvalidChar New password has an invalid character
4026 PASSWORD_REQUIREDMISSING Password_RequiredMissing New password is missing a required character
4027 PASSWORD_INWORDLIST Password_InWordlist New password is too common
4028 PASSWORD_SAMEASOLD Password_SameAsOld New password is the same as the current password
4029 PASSWORD_SAMEASATTR Password_SameAsAttr New password is too obvious
4030 PASSWORD_MEETS_RULES Password_MeetsRules New password accepted, please click change password
4031 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_OLD_CHARS Password_TooManyOldChars New password contains too many characters from your old password
4032 PASSWORD_HISTORY_FULL Password_HistoryFull New password history is full
4033 PASSWORD_TOO_SOON Password_TooSoon Not enough time has passed since last password change
4034 PASSWORD_USING_DISALLOWED Password_UsingDisallowedValue New password is using a value that is not allowed
4035 PASSWORD_TOO_WEAK Password_TooWeak Password is too weak. Try adding more numbers, symbols or mixed case letters.
4036 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_NONALPHA Password_TooManyNonAlpha New password has too many non-letter characters
4037 PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_NONALPHA Password_NotEnoughNonAlpha New password does not have enough non-letter characters
4038 PASSWORD_UNKNOWN_VALIDATION Password_UnknownValidation New password does not meet requirements. Please try using a different password.
4039 PASSWORD_NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED Password_NewPasswordRequired A new password is required before you may continue.
4040 PASSWORD_EXPIRED Password_Expired The password is expired.
4041 PASSWORD_CUSTOM_ERROR Password_CustomError New password does not meet rule requirements
4042 PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_GROUPS Password_NotEnoughGroups New password does not contain enough different types of characters
4043 PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_CONSECUTIVE Password_TooManyConsecutive New password has too many consecutive characters (such as 123456... or abcdef...)
5001 ERROR_WRONGPASSWORD Error_WrongPassword The user name or password is not valid. Please try again.
5002 ERROR_INCORRECT_RESPONSE Error_WrongResponse One or more responses are not correct. Please try again.
5003 ERROR_USERAUTHENTICATED Error_UserAuthenticated You are already authenticated.
5004 ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED Error_AuthenticationRequired Authentication required.
5006 ERROR_RESPONSES_NORESPONSES Error_Response_NoResponse The user name is not valid or is not eligible to use this feature
5007 ERROR_RESPONSE_WORDLIST Error_Response_Wordlist The response for question "%1%" is too commonly used
5008 ERROR_RESPONSE_TOO_SHORT Error_Response_TooShort The response for question "%1%" is too short
5009 ERROR_RESPONSE_TOO_LONG Error_Response_TooLong The response for question "%1%" is too long
5010 ERROR_RESPONSE_DUPLICATE Error_Response_Duplicate The response for question "%1%" can not be the same as another response
5011 ERROR_CHALLENGE_DUPLICATE Error_Challenge_Duplicate Each question must be unique.
5012 ERROR_MISSING_CHALLENGE_TEXT Error_Missing_Challenge_Text Missing text for a user supplied question
5013 ERROR_MISSING_PARAMETER Error_MissingParameter A required parameter is missing.
5015 ERROR_INTERNAL Error_Internal An error has occurred. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your help desk.
5016 ERROR_CANT_MATCH_USER Error_CantMatchUser Unable to find user name. Please try again.
5017 ERROR_DIRECTORY_UNAVAILABLE Error_DirectoryUnavailable Directory unavailable. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your help desk.
5018 ERROR_ACTIVATION_VALIDATIONFAIL Error_ActivationValidationFailed One or more values are not correct.
5019 ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE Error_ServiceNotAvailable Service is not enabled.
5020 ERROR_USER_MISMATCH Error_UserMisMatch Authentication error, please close your browser.
5021 ERROR_ACTIVATE_NO_PERMISSION Error_ActivateUserNoQueryMatch Your user account is not eligible for activation.
5022 ERROR_NO_CHALLENGES Error_NoChallenges No challenges have been configured.
5023 ERROR_INTRUDER_USER Error_UserIntruder Maximum login attempts for your userID have been exceeded. Try again later.
5024 ERROR_INTRUDER_ADDRESS Error_AddressIntruder Maximum login attempts have been exceeded. Try again later.
5025 ERROR_INTRUDER_SESSION Error_SessionIntruder Maximum login attempts for this session have been exceeded. Try again later.
5026 ERROR_BAD_SESSION_PASSWORD Error_BadSessionPassword Unable to establish session password.
5027 ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED Error_Unauthorized You do not have permission to perform the requested action.
5028 ERROR_BAD_SESSION Error_BadSession Unable to establish a session with your browser. Please close your browser and try again.
5029 ERROR_MISSING_REQUIRED_RESPONSE Error_MissingRequiredResponse Please type all of the required responses.
5030 ERROR_MISSING_RANDOM_RESPONSE Error_MissingRandomResponse Please add an additional random response.
5031 ERROR_BAD_CAPTCHA_RESPONSE Error_BadCaptchaResponse Incorrect verification code, please try again.
5032 ERROR_CAPTCHA_API_ERROR Error_CaptchaAPIError An error occurred while validating CAPTCHA response. Please close your browser and try again. If this error occurs repeatedly contact your help desk.
5033 ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG Error_InvalidConfig The configuration is invalid or corrupt. Please correct the error, or remove the configuration file.
5034 ERROR_INVALID_FORMID Error_InvalidFormID The browser session is invalid or has expired. Please try again.
5035 ERROR_INCORRECT_REQ_SEQUENCE Error_IncorrectRequestSequence An out of order page request has been received. Please do not use the browser back button. Please try again.
5036 ERROR_TOKEN_MISSING_CONTACT Error_TokenMissingContact There is no contact information available for your account. Please contact your administrator.
5037 ERROR_TOKEN_INCORRECT Error_TokenIncorrect Incorrect code, please try again.
5038 ERROR_BAD_CURRENT_PASSWORD Error_BadCurrentPassword Current password is incorrect, please try again.
5039 ERROR_CLOSING Error_Closing The operation can not complete because the application is shutting down.
5040 ERROR_MISSING_GUID Error_Missing_GUID Unable to locate a GUID for user. Please contact your administrator.
5041 ERROR_TOKEN_EXPIRED Error_TokenExpired The token you have entered is expired and is no longer valid. Please try again.
5042 ERROR_MULTI_USERNAME Error_Multi_Username Multiple users match the given user name "%1%". Please refine your search.
5043 ERROR_ORIG_ADMIN_ONLY Error_Orig_Admin_Only Only the original administrator can perform this property
5044 ERROR_SECURE_REQUEST_REQUIRED Error_SecureRequestRequired Non-secure (HTTP) connections are not permitted to this system. Please try again using a secure (HTTPS) connection.
5045 ERROR_WRITING_RESPONSES Error_Writing_Responses An error occurred during the save of your response questions. Please contact your administrator.
5046 ERROR_UNLOCK_FAILURE Error_Unlock_Failure An error occurred while unlocking your account. Please contact your administrator.
5047 ERROR_UPDATE_ATTRS_FAILURE Error_Update_Attrs_Failure An error occurred while saving your profile information. Please contact your administrator.
5048 ERROR_ACTIVATION_FAILURE Error_Activation_Failure An error occurred while activating your account. Please contact your administrator.
5049 ERROR_NEW_USER_FAILURE Error_NewUser_Failure An error occurred while creating your new user account. Please contact your administrator.
5050 ERROR_ACTIVATION Error_Activation Unable to activate your account using the information you have provided. Please try again.
5051 ERROR_DB_UNAVAILABLE Error_DB_Unavailable Database Unavailable. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your help desk.
5052 ERROR_LOCALDB_UNAVAILABLE Error_LocalDB_Unavailable LocalDB Unavailable. Please contact your administrator.
5053 ERROR_APP_UNAVAILABLE Error_App_Unavailable The application is unavailable or is restarting. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your help desk.
5054 ERROR_UNREACHABLE_CLOUD_SERVICE Error_UnreachableCloudService A remote service was unreachable.
5055 ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_KEY Error_InvalidSecurityKey Security Key is missing or invalid.
5056 ERROR_CLEARING_RESPONSES Error_Clearing_Responses An error occurred during the clearing of the response questions. Please contact your administrator.
5057 ERROR_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE Error_ServiceUnreachable A required service is unavailable. Please try again later.
5058 ERROR_CHALLENGE_IN_RESPONSE Error_ChallengeInResponse The response for question "%1%" cannot contain part of the question text.
5059 ERROR_CERTIFICATE_ERROR Error_CertificateError A certificate error has been encountered: %1%.
5060 ERROR_SYSLOG_WRITE_ERROR Error_SyslogWriteError A problem writing to the syslog server has been encountered, error: %1%
5061 ERROR_TOO_MANY_THREADS Error_TooManyThreads Maximum thread count limit exceeded, please try again later
5062 ERROR_PASSWORD_REQUIRED Error_PasswordRequired A password is required to perform this operation
5063 ERROR_SECURITY_VIOLATION Error_SecurityViolation A security violation has occurred. Please try again later.
5064 ERROR_TRIAL_VIOLATION Error_TrialViolation Trial limits have been exceeded.
5065 ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED Error_AccountDisabled Account is disabled.
5066 ERROR_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED Error_AccountExpired Account is expired.
5087 ERROR_NO_OTP_CONFIGURATION Error_NoOtpConfiguration No one-time password has been configured.
5088 ERROR_INCORRECT_OTP_TOKEN Error_WrongOtpToken Incorrect one-time password.
5086 ERROR_WRITING_OTP_SECRET Error_Writing_Otp_Secret An error occurred during the save of your OTP secret. Please contact your administrator.
5067 ERROR_INTRUDER_ATTR_SEARCH Error_AttrIntruder Maximum search attempts have been exceeded. Try again later.
5068 ERROR_AUDIT_WRITE Error_AuditWrite Unable to write audit record.
5069 ERROR_INTRUDER_LDAP Error_LdapIntruder Maximum login attempts for your userID have been exceeded. Try again later.
5070 ERROR_NO_LDAP_CONNECTION Error_NoLdapConnection A connection to the required directory is not available.
5071 ERROR_OAUTH_ERROR Error_OAuthError An error using the OAuth authentication protocol has occurred. Please try again later.
5072 ERROR_REPORTING_ERROR Error_ReportingError An error during report generation occurred
5073 ERROR_INTRUDER_TOKEN_DEST Error_TokenDestIntruder Maximum attempts have been exceeded. Try again later.
5074 ERROR_OTP_RECOVERY_USED Error_OtpRecoveryUsed The recovery could has been previously used and cannot be used again.
5075 ERROR_REDIRECT_ILLEGAL Error_RedirectIllegal The requested redirect url is not permitted.
5076 ERROR_CRYPT_ERROR Error_CryptError An unexpected cryptography error has occurred.
5078 ERROR_SMS_SEND_ERROR Error_SmsSendError Unable to send sms message: %1%
5079 ERROR_LDAP_DATA_ERROR Error_LdapDataError An LDAP data error has occurred.
5080 ERROR_MACRO_PARSE_ERROR Error_MacroParseError Macro parse error: %1%
5081 ERROR_NO_PROFILE_ASSIGNED Error_NoProfileAssigned No profile is assigned for this operation.
5082 ERROR_STARTUP_ERROR Error_StartupError An error occurred while starting the application. Check the log files for information.
5083 ERROR_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR Error_EnvironmentError An error with the application environment has prevented the application from starting.
5084 ERROR_APPLICATION_NOT_RUNNING Error_ApplicationNotRunning This functionality is not available until the application configuration is restricted.
5085 ERROR_EMAIL_SEND_FAILURE Error_EmailSendFailure Error sending email item %1%, error: %2%
5089 ERROR_PASSWORD_ONLY_BAD Error_PasswordOnlyBad Password incorrect. Please try again.
5090 ERROR_RECOVERY_SEQUENCE_INCOMPLETE Error_RecoverySequenceIncomplete A problem occurred during the forgotten password sequence, please try again.
5091 ERROR_FILE_TYPE_INCORRECT Error_FileTypeIncorrect The file type is not correct.
5092 ERROR_FILE_TOO_LARGE Error_FileTooLarge The file is too large.
5093 ERROR_NODE_SERVICE_ERROR Error_NodeServiceError An error occurred with the node service: %1%. Check the log files for more information.
5094 ERROR_WORDLIST_IMPORT_ERROR Error_WordlistImportError An error occurred importing the wordlist: %1%
5095 ERROR_PWNOTIFY_SERVICE_ERROR Error_PwNotifyServiceError An error occurred while running the password notify service: %1%
5096 ERROR_TIMEOUT Error_Timeout The requested operation has timed out
6000 ERROR_REMOTE_ERROR_VALUE Error_RemoteErrorValue Remote Error: %1%
6001 ERROR_TELEMETRY_SEND_ERROR Error_TelemetrySendError Error_TelemetrySendError
6002 ERROR_HTTP_CLIENT Error_HttpError An error occurred while connecting to remote HTTP service.
5100 ERROR_FIELD_REQUIRED Error_FieldRequired %1% is required
5101 ERROR_FIELD_NOT_A_NUMBER Error_FieldNotANumber %1% must be a number
5102 ERROR_FIELD_INVALID_EMAIL Error_FieldInvalidEmail %1% is not a valid email address
5103 ERROR_FIELD_TOO_SHORT Error_FieldTooShort %1% is too short
5104 ERROR_FIELD_TOO_LONG Error_FieldTooLong %1% is too long
5105 ERROR_FIELD_DUPLICATE Error_FieldDuplicate %1% is already used, please use a different value
5106 ERROR_FIELD_BAD_CONFIRM Error_FieldBadConfirm %1% fields do not match
5107 ERROR_FIELD_REGEX_NOMATCH Error_FieldRegexNoMatch %1% is not the correct format
5200 CONFIG_UPLOAD_SUCCESS Error_ConfigUploadSuccess File uploaded successfully
5201 CONFIG_UPLOAD_FAILURE Error_ConfigUploadFailure File failed to upload.
5202 CONFIG_SAVE_SUCCESS Error_ConfigSaveSuccess Configuration saved successfully. Application restart has been requested. The application may be unavailable while restarting. If the restart request fails you may need to restart the application server manually.
5203 CONFIG_FORMAT_ERROR Error_ConfigFormatError Configuration format error: %1%
5204 CONFIG_LDAP_FAILURE Error_ConfigLdapFailure Unable to connect to LDAP directory server.
5205 CONFIG_LDAP_SUCCESS Error_ConfigLdapSuccess Successfully connected to LDAP directory server
5300 ERROR_HTTP_404 Error_HTTP_404 The page you requested could not be found.
7000 ERROR_REST_INVOCATION_ERROR Error_RestInvocationError Error_RestInvocationError
7001 ERROR_REST_PARAMETER_CONFLICT Error_RestParameterConflict Error_RestParameterConflict